My Tips On Asking For A Pay Rise

There are a number of reasons why just even the thought of asking for a pay rise makes people tense up and avoid it completely. Fear of rejection, lack of confidence and uncertainty over how to negotiate are just a few. I know this because it’s how I felt before asking for one! It can be daunting, but if you’re thinking about asking for one, it’s usually for a reason—so here’s what I did to help me prepare for the conversation.

Check Your Paperwork

Some companies have set processes in place for applying for pay rises and promotions, so you’ll need to check your company handbook to familiarise yourself with and see what the process is within your company. For example, do they do annual performance and pay reviews, do they have performance-based metrics and do you speak to your line manager or HR department?

Research The Role’s Market Rate

Salaries can depend upon so many variables, such as your individual skill set, budgets and company size. But going into the conversation prepared with the market average can help you frame what your role is worth and assist in asking for a pay rise. When researching, you’ll need to look at what the industry standard is, and compare it with your local area.

Have A Clear Idea of What You Want

It’s important to be prepared with what you are looking for in terms of a pay rise, after all, chats regarding pay rises don’t always go as you expect and you have to be prepared to negotiate. Having a clear bracket for the raise that you’re looking for is incredibly helpful and can help you be firm in what you’re looking for. You should also prepare any key accomplishments or results that you’ve generated for the company as supporting information so that the benefit you have on the company is clear when you have this talk (writing them down helps—it’s completely normal to suddenly forget all of the good you’ve done when put on the spot!).

Pick Your Moment!

It can often feel like there’s no right moment for this chat, which can often be the case—but there are definitely bad times! For example, when they’re already juggling numerous projects or if you take them by surprise. Set up a meeting in advance to give yourself and your company time to prepare, and make the topic of your discussion clear.

Keep It Professional

When it comes to financial well-being, it’s easy to feel stress - especially if funds are limited. But your financial standing is not information your boss needs to know. Keep the conversation professional, focussed on your qualifications, accomplishments and skill sets—rather than on your personal needs. This helps companies to look at it in terms of the value and return you provide for your business, and puts you on more favourable terms for asking.

And last but not least—remember that you’ve got this!

Asking for a pay rise is a completely normal part of employment, so don’t be put off or intimidated—you are your own biggest advocate.

Good luck! xo

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